About us

Our mission is to empower ReadyChristians

Mission: Our mission is to unite Christians in a network devoted to prayer, caring for those in need, and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, with a geographical and virtual footprint, to bring hope, love, and support to individuals and communities.
Vision: Our vision is to create a global network of Christians who are committed to living out the teachings of Jesus by coming together to support, uplift, and positively impact the lives of others. We aim to foster a community of love, compassion, and holistic care, both in physical and virtual spaces.
Prayer: We believe in the power of prayer and recognize it as a foundational aspect of our network. Through collective and individual prayer, we seek to intercede for those in need, bring comfort, and seek God's guidance in our endeavors.
Care for Those in Need: We are dedicated to actively caring for those in need, both within our local communities and across the virtual landscape. We strive to be a source of compassion, aid, and support, meeting practical needs and providing emotional and spiritual encouragement.
Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Central to our network is the commitment to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, and spreading the message of hope, salvation, and love to all corners of the world. We aim to do this through personal testimonies, outreach programs, virtual evangelism, and community engagement.
Geographical and Virtual Footprint: Our network extends across geographical boundaries, encompassing local, regional, national, and international outreach efforts. We are also committed to leveraging digital platforms and technology to reach individuals in virtual spaces, ensuring that our impact is far-reaching and inclusive.
Collaboration and Unity: We seek to collaborate with churches, ministries, and organizations to amplify the impact of our network. By working together, we aim to create a unified front in our efforts to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
Participation and Membership: We welcome all Christians who share our vision and values to join our network. Membership is open to individuals, churches, and Christian organizations who are committed to the principles of prayer, care, and gospel sharing.
In conclusion, our network is a beacon of hope, compassion, and faith, dedicated to bringing about positive change in the world. Together, we aim to be a light in the darkness, offering love, support, and the transformative message of Jesus Christ to all those we encounter.

Our philosophy

We believe in people

The Importance of Leadership Development in Ministry Emergency Teams

In the context of ministry emergency team preparedness, the development of strong leadership within the Ministry Emergency Team (MET) is vital for the effective response to crises and disasters. The MET, consisting of nine key roles, plays a crucial part in providing infrastructure for the ReadyTeam development process and leading response teams. The MET's responsibilities encompass spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical support for the community in times of crisis.
Leaders within the MET are hand-picked by the leader and are expected to possess spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical readiness to respond effectively. They are guided by a set of suggested characteristics and responsibilities outlined by the Christian Emergency Network (CEN). The training of MET leaders focuses on safety and security, emergency preparedness, and the development of spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental resilience.
The MET's leadership development process involves identifying individuals for each leadership role, inviting them to commit to their responsibilities, and ensuring that they have completed the ReadyChristian training. Additionally, the MET is responsible for developing prayer networks, compassionate care activities, and outreach initiatives, and ensuring funding and initiative alignment. The MET's training and ongoing development aim to equip leaders with the necessary skills to handle crises and emergencies effectively.
In conclusion, the development of leadership within the Ministry Emergency Team is essential for the readiness and effective response of the team in times of crisis. Through careful selection, training, and ongoing support, the MET leaders play a pivotal role in providing spiritual, emotional, and practical support to the community, ultimately reflecting the team's commitment to serving and caring for those in need.

Our team

Highly qualified teachers

All of our teachers are highly experienced professionals highly acknowledged in their field, but also passionate and devoted to teaching. They all combine a can-do spirit with professionalism and accuracy in everything they do. Vastly experienced in the christian community, our broad range of qualified individuals have the expertise to deliver high quality teaching material, that corresponds to the highest standards of biblical readiness. Their goal is to provide you both with a solid biblical background, and a set of instantly applicable practices.
Are you ready to join us?

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We will help you unlock your inner potential by strengthening your Prayer, Care, Share Lifestyle. 

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Don't loose the opportunity to make your ministry colleagues happier, more efficient and more effective in their mission to bring hope to the hopless!
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